There is nothing quite like a newborn session. As everyone knows, you never know what you're going to get with a brand new baby. At this age they could care less about getting that perfect picture for their parents and care only about how hungry or tired they are.
I have to say, that was not the case with sweet Juliana. Yall, seriously....she did not cry the entire I was amazed. And if that doesn't leave you saying, what??!?!?! She let us change her surroundings, change her outfits, swaddle her, not swaddle her, without a peep. The best part, it's like she knew what was going on. Even at a little over a week old she was following the camera. It was hard to get sleeping pictures of her because she would literally hear the sound of the camera and open her eyes to see what was going on.
And of course her parents Shannon and Jake were amazing too. None of those first time parents jitters, they were completely laid back and handling the new parent thing like champs! It made for an awesome session capturing this little beauty and the sweet family of three they now are!